How to use and operate a rotary evaporator


    Many users who buy rotary evaporators do not know how to use them. Here, I will introduce its usage method to everyone.

    The main customer groups of rotary evaporators are pharmaceutical, chemical, and biopharmaceutical industries, which are used in experimental operations such as concentration, crystallization, drying, separation, and enzyme recovery. This machine mainly consists of three parts: heating device, rotary evaporation device, and cooling recovery device. Its working principle is that under negative pressure conditions, the rotating bottle rotates at a constant speed in a constant temperature heated water bath, and the material forms a large area thin film on the bottle wall, which improves its evaporation efficiency. The lysozyme vapor is cooled by a glass condenser and recycled into a collection bottle. The rotary evaporator is particularly suitable for concentrating and purifying biopharmaceuticals that are prone to decomposition at high temperatures.

    The most concerning factor in using a rotary evaporator is the evaporation speed, which depends on the following three factors:

    The higher the vacuum degree inside the glass, the faster the speed. When water evaporates, the vacuum degree should not be less than 0.096MPa.

    The higher the temperature of the liquid in the water bath, the faster the speed, generally not exceeding 80 ℃, according to the specific process requirements.

    The lower the cooling water temperature of the 3-link condenser pipe, the faster the speed, and the better the effect of using chilled water.

    Finally, let me introduce the operation method to everyone

    Step 1: Vacuum check the airtightness. When the vacuum pump is turned on and it is found that the vacuum cannot be applied, check whether each bottle mouth is sealed properly, whether the vacuum pump itself is leaking air, whether the sealing ring at the rotating shaft is intact, and connect a vacuum switch in series with an external vacuum tube to fine tune the optimal recovery rate and evaporation speed.

    Step 2: Add the material by utilizing the vacuum negative pressure inside the bottle. The liquid material can be sucked into the rotating bottle through a hose at the feeding port. Do not exceed half of the liquid in the rotating bottle. This machine can continuously feed, and the following points need to be noted during feeding: (1) Turn off the vacuum pump. (2) Stop heating. (3) After the evaporation stops, slowly open the feed pipe plug to prevent backflow.

    Step 3: The next step is to introduce a specially designed lifting water bath pot. When using it, water must be added first and then powered on. The temperature control scale is 0-399 ℃ (for reference). Turn on the switch of the electronic control box and adjust it to the optimal evaporation speed. Be careful to avoid water bath resonance fluctuations. Due to thermal inertia, the actual water temperature is about 2 degrees higher than the set temperature. The set value can be adjusted during use. For example, if a water temperature of 40 degrees is required, the temperature controller can be set to 38 degrees. The rotating bottle is immersed in 1/3 to 1/2 of water during rotation.

    Step 4: Connect the cooling water. When recovering the solvent, it is necessary to turn off the vacuum pump, open the feeding switch to release the gas, and then release the solvent from the collection bottle.

    Step 5: After use, unplug the power plug to prevent accidents.

    Our company also has supporting instruments such as a circulating water multi-purpose vacuum pump, glass reactor, and low-temperature coolant circulation pump. If you have any technical issues, please feel free to consult Yuhua Instrument.

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